The C.H. Mohammed Koya Memorial Educational and Charitable Trust was registered under the Govt. of Kerala as per 261/2001/04 dtd 09.08.2001 and came into existence in the year 2001 under the chairmanship of Janab H.Abdul Kareem, S/O late Janab Haneefa Kunju, Thekkeveedu, Kottiyam, Kollam. The main objective of the Trust is to establish and maintain Educational Institutions like Schools, Colleges, Vocational Training Centres, Teacher Education Institutions, Technical and Professional Institutions, Research Centres etc. for imparting quality education and the personality development of the student community

  • Sri. H.Abdul Kareem, The Chairman of the Trust is a well-known personality of the place and his long professional experience stretching for about 3 decades, his optimistic outlook and serving mentality for the upliftment of the society all have led as a guiding spirit for establishing the Trust. As a staring step, the Trust has started functioning the ‘HKM Residential Public School’, Umayanalloor, Kollam in the year 2003 at the present school campus. The school is presently imparting instructions up to 10th standard with CBSE Syllabus. The Trust has, then started the ‘Haneefa Kunju Memorial College of Education’ in the year 2005 and started functioning from the academic year 2006-2007 for imparting B.Ed. Degree Course on getting recognition from the National Council for Teacher Education, Bangalore SRC of NCTE as per their Order No. F.SRO/NCTE/2005-06/3988 dtd. 14.11.2005.
  • This school is affiliated to the Kerala University vide order no.AC/B1/29598/06 dtd. 04/05/06. The permitted annual intake of students which is allotted to optional subjects viz Natural Science, Physical Science, Social Science, Commerce and Hindi. On 2010, Mathematics and English options were also sanctioned. All the infrastructural facilities like Psychology Lab, Educational Technology Lab, Natural Science and Physical Science Labs, Computer Lab and a well-equipped Library in accordance with the norms prescribed by the NCTE have been provided in the Institution for the students. Broad band Internet facilities are also provided in the institution.
  • The Trust has also started a Teacher Training Institute in the campus for conducting two-year Teacher Training Course (TTC) with an annual intake of 50 students from the academic year 2007. The Institute has been recognized by the NCTE as per Letter No.F.KL/Ele/SRO/NCTE/2006 – 2007/8508 dtd. 11.10.2006 and got approved by the SCERT of Kerala state on 30.01.2007. On 2014, the trust started Higher Secondary School under Kerala State Syllabus. All the above Institutions are started by the Trust in fond memory of Janab Haneefa Kunju, the late father of Janab H. Abdul Kareem, Chairman of the Trust. Student Testimonials